Illusions Do Help!

This is not about physical feeling or sensations. So don’t worry: It’s safe to read on. It’s only about our daily life in a form of government we believe to be the best of all.

Yes, “believe” is a better word than to “consider”, because if we begin to name its advantages, we’ll soon find that they are mainly based on wishful thinking, like religions are. Well, not quite, as religions postpone their rewards into a far away future, within reach only after death. That makes their promises pretty easy to keep. Insofar the sublime pledges of our so-called democracies run a higher risk of being found out as hoaxes.

Hoaxes? What a nonsense!

Aren’t we free in our decisions how we want to live? Whom we want as representatives of the people? Whom we can trust to run our administrations? Our schools, our food supply, our health care, our environment? Or to protect our privacy, and so forth? Where else is this possible? Certainly not in a dictatorship or in an absolute monarchy, or is it?

Well, as once Winston Churchill has explained so strikingly, dictatorship resembles a proud frigate under full sails. It is a majestic sight, but a single rock can bring disaster. Whereas in a democracy you are like on a raft, it cannot sink, but you have always wet feet.

Maybe it’s not that bad, but just to remind you of our leaders’ quality, we are facing today, let me quote two:

“Facts are stupid things.” (Ronald Reagan)

“Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.” (Dan Quayle)

Never mind! These are Americans, you could say – whatever this might mean – but it doesn’t look much better here:

“You can’t base an industry solely on one person. That’s a very vulnerable business strategy.” (John Key)

Allright, that sounds stupid, but also funny in a way, you might think. Certainly it is nothing to worry about.

But didn’t it blow your mind when you listened to Mr. Key on one Radio NZ morning report, stating that New Zealanders had no right to know whether their e-mails or phone calls are being gathered up by a state intelligence agency?

Doesn’t this incredible statement show total contempt for the people?

Do our politicians often get away with treating their fellow citizens with such contempt. because their constituency is “the overwhelmingly male, determinedly anti-intellectual, painfully inarticulate, …. moronic and sports-mad portion of the New Zealand population” (as Chris Trotter claims), who don’t know and who don’t want to know?

Well, our own District Council didn’t give a damn, who is right and who is wrong, when they recently ignored a petition, nearly 800 citizens had signed.

Sometimes you really have to ask yourself how, for heavens sake, can all these halfwits who run our communities, get into authority?

Perhaps it has something to do with the strange circumstance that, while all of us need permits and licences to drive a car, to own a firearm or even to sell vegetables, everybody can become a politician and finally run a whole country entirely without any qualifications except maybe a big mouth and/or money.

There is interesting evidence for this theory:

The former (1981 -1989) American president Ronald Reagan attended only High School, where he “showed interests in acting and storytelling.” His activities became those as a lifeguard, cheerleader, radio announcer and third class actor.

The former president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, didn’t graduate at any school. He became a bookseller and started his political career as a socialist party member.

But could we really avoid those less sharp tools in the shed by introducing higher qualification standards and thus expect better results? Probably not.

Such measure would be shortsighted, as it didn’t take into account the widespread ignorance and indifference of the masses.

So maybe only people with a voting licence should be allowed to go to the polls? A qualification they could obtain at school or in volontary classes?

Then no universal suffrage anymore? Voting rights depending on social classes? Possibly for some privileged only?

How undemocratic! Oh, I can literally hear the cries of outrage.

Although they obviously don’t know what democracy means, or do they?

Demos kratein: These Greek words stand for “people’s rule”, we have been told. So what? Is there only the shadow of a doubt about this iron law?

Yes, there is, and it is actually a rather long shadow.

The Greek, who most efficiently set up the new form of government around 2,500 years ago, was Perikles, and he did, what he had been told: “Other times request other manners, therefore adjust our goals to the conditions and vice versa.”

As a matter of fact, Demos kratein does actually not mean “people’s rule.”

Yes, that’s right. Demos doesn’t denote the people but the tax payer, in a figurative sense even the tax paying masses, and this term has nothing to do with a people as the natural unit of similar individuals. The real greek word for this kind of people would rather be laos. But the full importance of this fraudulent misinterpretation shows itself not before we check out the verb kratein: It does not mean “to rule”, but “to rule over “ or “to dominate,” hence the exact opposite of what we have been told! The real greek word for “to rule” is archein, again something completely different.

Consequently greek for “people’s rule” would be: Laos archein. But demos kratein would have the meaning of “Ruling over the masses of tax payers” or purely and simply “ruling over the masses.”

Since Perikles understood the masse’s souls perfectly, he distracted them from what really counted for his principals by making them believe that their say was important, although it didn’t matter at all.

The citizens of Athens rotationally became members of countless committees. Everybody interfered with politics, made decisions today and overthrew them tomorrow. Perikles introduced attendance fees for everyone, even for those who only talked utter nonsense in parliament..

Who would then, in such conditions, still have wanted to work? Right, very few. Does that ring a bell?

Well, to make up for this loss of labour force, the Greek just imported more slaves. You see, democrats have nothing against slaves. Mind you! What else is today’s globalism in this context?

With popular entertainment of all sorts the age of Perikles, the “golden age”, worked extremely well. Of course especially for the few, who were more equal than others.
And the minority of those, who feared a sad awakening,? Were they called fascists and communists? No, that was later, but is the bell now ringing louder?

Under this so-called democracy, the people of Athens became drug addicts, and their drug was a tranquilizer, we can call progress. Without it, democracy can’t work. Never.

The illusion about progress is, philosophically seen, a way of thinking, which originates from a psychosomatic disease.

It is basically a surrogate-phenomenon: The mass man’s brain, which has emancipated itself, shooting up without enlargement, can’t cope with its sudden feeling for great dimensions; it loses its hold, it becomes unstable.

When it has lost its “small scale sense”, it won’t see any sense in the great; it only assumes, that somewhere in the future lies the reward, the satisfaction. So, one has to go ahead!
The true meaning of this kind of progress is the change. It has nothing to do with a higher development. The suffering soul will even consider moving in a circle as progress. It just consumes movement and change like a drug. Conditions which previously were meant to be permanent are now being consumed one after the other.. The progressionist is a consumer!

This finding implies that progress means sales, and it is quite identical with the mercantile term. Is the bell ringing?

Athens was in this condition, when its “democracy” flourished, and it was of course proud of it. Moreover: In such illusion the mass man’s soul became (and becomes) tyrannical. It requests that everyone must join its belief in progress. Although it doesn’t know any salvation, it behaves like the saviour.

This is the explanation for the strange occurrence, that Athens requested friends and foes, but especially the “underdeveloped countries” to adopt the same constitution, the same way of life and the same economy and that it smiled at first at those ,who didn’t want to follow, then denounced and finally fought them.

But this behaviour is nothing else than the wish to destroy standards of comparison.

Today entire continents live in very similar wishes, however without Parthenon.

If you disregard these facts, our way of life still looks pretty good for many. because illusions do help.

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